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Scary, isn't it?

PC Pro magazine, October 2004
Copyright © Lycos UK

A great ad and a great idea - but what is so scary is that there is even a demand for a 1 Gigabyte inbox.

Imagine for a moment what life would be like if your inbox could only hold 50 emails, and automatically deleted the rest. You'd do something about it, wouldn't you? You'd probably stop using your inbox as a filing system, and get into the habit of prioritising and acting on messages quickly - and deleting unimportant stuff. It would be the only way to avoid a crisis.

But wouldn't that be a great way to be organised anyway?

So stop letting those messages pile up, and start thinking about and organising your commitments visually with ResultsManager.



"Very effective..."
New York Times

"An astonishing accomplishment..."
Read Marc Orchant's complete review

"ResultsManager 2 is a must-have..."
Innovation Tools

"Congratulations... ResultsManager is a marvellous product..."

"Fabulous product... really great flexibility"

"It has transformed the way I use MindManager..."

"Do I use MindManager? I'm married to it!"

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Scary, isn't it?

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