The Gyronix Report - Issue 9
GyroQ Turns Professional!
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In this Issue:
Turns Professional!
The majority of our clients purchase GyroQ Developer Edition.
However, more than we expected are choosing GyroQ Essential Edition.
Using the word Developer in the product title might
lead people to believe that they need to be a developer, programmer
or power user to benefit - but this is not the case, as we demonstrate
with the tags available in this newsletter.
To make things clearer, we have decided to rename the Developer
Edition to GyroQ Professional Edition.
Upgrade Offer Extended
To help you make use of new custom Tags, we are extending our
upgrade offer*. If you purchased GyroQ Essential, and would like
to be able to use custom Tags, then upgrade now to the Professional
Edition with a 25% discount. Simply email support@gyronix.com
and include your current GyroQ Essential Edition license key.
Secret GyroQ Feature Revealed
You will like this!
As you use GyroQ more and more, you will start to see just how
many ways it can be used to improve your productivity - and it
won't be long before you have a dozen different tags!
In order for you to remain highly productive, you will want to
take advantage of a secret GyroQ feature for rapid Tag selection.
Click the link below to see it in action.
ResultsManager Activities with GyroQ
If you like to use the keyboard rather than jumping
back to the mouse, then editing an Activity in ResultsManager
can take a few Tabs to get around! Here is a GyroQ
Tag that allows you to edit key ResultsManager information in
a mini "wizard". Click the link below to see it in
action. If you haven't tried GyroQ yet, download your
15-day trial here.
This Tag requires GyroQ Professional Edition.
If you haven't tried ResultsManager yet, download
your 28-day trial here.
a SWOT Analysis with GyroQ
Perform a Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities
/ Threats analysis effortlessly with GyroQ and MindManager.
This GyroQ Tag creates a SWOT analysis of the selected topic,
and prompts you for information. Click the link below to see
it in action. If you haven't tried GyroQ yet, download your
15-day trial here.
This Tag requires GyroQ Professional Edition.
Tag Library Map #3
To get the above GyroQ Tags, download Tag
Library #3 and right-click on the Tag topics to add them to
your GyroQ installation. If you haven't tried GyroQ yet, download
your 15-day trial here.
Duffill's Mindjet Webinar now available on-line
You didnt miss
Nick Duffills Webinar, did you? Not to worry. Everything
from the recent Mindjet Webinar Visualising Outcomes: Managing
Simultaneous Projects with MindManager and ResultsManager
is now available on-line, including a complete recording, the
demonstration maps used, and all the questions and answers,
even those that we did not have time to cover in the Webinar.
If you always wondered what ResultsManager did, this Webinar
is a great overview.
* Offer subject to availability for a limited time only.