ResultsManager Productivity Applications
ResultsManager on the MindManager 8, Pro 7 and Pro 6 platforms is an
effective and innovative solution to a range of everyday business issues.
Visually implementing David Allen's "Getting Things
Done" system
"Like many people, I have been attempting to implement the GTD
concept ever since David Allen published his book. ResultsManager
finally provides the tools to do so!" - Bob Seymour, USA
The rewards of implementing "Getting Things Done" are huge,
but achieving real competence is not a trivial undertaking. ResultsManager
2 has been designed to accelerate the implementation of GTD by providing
a unique and simple way to visualise and focus on outcomes and projects,
while managing lists automatically. You can have a separate map for
each project or area you are working on, and ResultsManager will create
combined dashboards (lists) across them all. For example, all "@Call"
contexts are automatically grouped together from all sources. ResultsManager
also provides a way to implement GTD across a team or department,
so that the benefits of a systematic approach to organising activities
can be realised across groups. Read more in the online
help file.
You can also find ResultsManager enthusiastically discussed in the
bulletin boards and Blogs on David's site and related sites.
Keeping track of commitments
ResultsManager understands how to delegate
activities, and has a special dashboard that displays things you
are waiting for from others, and things they are waiting for
from you. So, if someone else delegates an action to you in one of
their maps, it will appear in your Dashboard as something to do, and
something you owe to them. Whether you then ignore it is a different
issue altogether!
Seamless follow-through from meetings and brainstorms
ResultsManager 2 supports shared documents. You can make a link from
your maps to maps that live on a shared disk, for example. ResultsManager
lets you work dynamically and creatively, and keeps track of important
nuggets that might otherwise get mislaid. Imagine the following typical
- You call a quick team meeting to tackle a problem that has come
up in one of your projects, and use MindManager with a data projector
to capture the meeting. MindManager is, after all, the unchallenged
market leader at this!
- During the meeting, your team brainstorms and comes up with some
great ideas about solving the issue
- You delegate some actions there and then, using the ResultsManager
Activity dialogue to assign owners right in the map
- When the meeting is over, you simply save the meeting map in the
project folder on the shared disk
- Your team already have a link to this folder from their individual
"Map Central" maps. The next time they create their ResultsManager
dashboards, the new actions from the meeting are integrated into
their existing lists, where they can prioritise and deliver them.
Tracking documents and processes visually
ResultsManager's basic function is to let you dynamically create
"horizontal" views across multiple "vertical"
resources such as project plans or brainstorms. As well as using it
for visualising projects and tracking actions, you can use it to visualise
other insights into complex situations.
For example, many business processes are represented by electronic
documents, and status of the document indicates progress. Unless you
have implemented a document management system, keeping track of ad-hoc
documents might not always run smoothly. You can easily use MindManager
and ResultsManager to do this collaboratively at a fraction of the
cost and without any specialised IT support:
- Create hyperlinks to tracked documents from MindManager maps
- Use ResultsManager's Power
User mode edit dialogue to assign owners, and agree a common
set of document types and status levels to use in the "Area"
and "Category" fields, for example
- Create a couple of customised Dashboards that show you an overview
of the current status and ownership of the different kinds of document
- You can then run your Dashboards to review progress and keep track
of changes. The Dashboard maps form an "audit report"
of the current status that you could use in a management report,
for example