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Gyronix Training and Consulting

Gyronix have the most in-depth experience of any Mindjet Partner in the application of MindManager® software to real-world business issues.

Our experience includes online training and consulting, tailored training courses, technical seminars, integration features and content development.


The Gyronix System - a modular approach

We offer a modular training system for the Gyronix System, covering the use of MindManager and ResultsManager to build an effective system for creating & implementing strategies and plans.

Our modules are divided into Bronze, Silver and Gold levels. You or your team can start wherever you feel comfortable. Our experienced consultants can deliver on-line with a shared web meeting and 1:1 telephone call. You can purchase modules in the on-line shop, or contact us for on-site delivery for your team.

Click in the image above for printable datasheets & agendas

"Before Gyronix Training, I liked ResultsManager, but I was afraid I wasn't getting everything out of it I could - and I certainly was right! The best practices I learned in the Bronze Training have become foundational to the way I map and take action on key initiatives. The end result is I now have peace of mind that every action I take is moving me closer to my greater business and personal goals" - David Evans

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Module - click for agenda
Objectives and benefits
To enable professionals with a basic knowledge of MindManager to competently and confidently apply the Gyronix System to a current project, develop action-maps detailing the next steps to achieve success, and gain immediate measurable benefits. Add to Cart
To enable professionals with a basic knowledge of ResultsManager to competently and confidently apply the Gyronix System to multiple projects. You will be able to develop prioritised action-maps detailing the next steps to achieve targets across all projects; generate review
maps to gain an instant big picture overview; collaborate with others to track progress on joint commitments and gain immediate measurable benefits. Add to Cart
Gold Module:
Power Reviewing
To enable professionals with a good knowledge of the Gyronix System to develop a personalised strategic review process to facilitate a continual improvement in productivity, management of workloads and implementation of activities. Add to Cart
To apply the Gyronix System as a professional management tool in conjunction with your colleagues, teams or clients. This includes the effective management of key relationships and setting up projects for assessment against strategy to reflect set targets and measures. Add to Cart
To apply the Gyronix System in a team environment to create joint and collaborative working project maps generated for team best practice, activity implementation and review. This methodology enables clarity on issues, improved communication, consensus, collaboration and commitment to individual and collective activities. With only one version of a project plan, the team have immediate access to the latest updates, resulting in greater team productivity and savings in time, resources and money. This ultimately maximises the time the team spend getting work done and minimises administrative and planning/updating functions. Add to Cart

Gold Module:
Results-driven Meetings

Coming soon!

Applied as a meeting management tool, the Gyronix System provides a powerful means for the professional to dramatically improve meeting efficiency. Benefits will be seen in the clarity of outcomes; capture of thoughts; recording of actions and feedback; gaining of commitment to action and ensuring a common understanding of meeting objectives and targets. This methodology produces high levels of improvement at every level of the meeting process from planning/review of the last meeting, to facilitating the meeting, taking minutes and follow-through.
Gold Module:
Power Dashboards
As an advanced business user, customising dashboards for your own specialist applications is a crucial requirement. Our step-by-step process enables you to create dashboard maps that tell you exactly what you need to know, in a format that suits your requirements for both action focused dashboard maps and management review dashboard maps. Add to Cart



"Very effective..."
New York Times

"An astonishing accomplishment..."
Read Marc Orchant's complete review

"ResultsManager 2 is a must-have..."
Innovation Tools

"Congratulations... ResultsManager is a marvellous product..."

"Fabulous product... really great flexibility"

"It has transformed the way I use MindManager..."

"Do I use MindManager? I'm married to it!"

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The Bronze Level module gives you control of a single project using ResultsManager The Silver Level module gives you control of multiple projects with multiple participants, using ResultsManager The Gold Module on Power Reviewing optimises your review technique and methods The Gold Module on Strategic Management maximises integration of your management system with the Gyronix System The Gold Module on Collaboration helps you extend the benefits of the Gyronix System to your team The Gold Module on Power Dashboards shows you how to design and implement customised Dashboards for ResultsManager Read an overview of all the Gold Level modules in one printable datasheet